SHARK ATTACKS SPEARO! Umdloti KZN North Coast Jarid Norman
As we all know spearfishing is a dangerous sport but shark attacks on spearos are actually few and far between! Normally it’s a case of mistaken identity where the shark thinks you are part of the fish you have just shot and it’s a quick nip or bump as we spearos call it. The rest of the time the attacks are genuine and normally by the three usual suspects Great White sharks, Tiger sharks and Bull sharks.
In Jarid Norman’s attack at Selection reef Umdloti today it is the former and in white water (surf) plus he was holding a Yellow belly rockcod (Mero) which he had just speared and was subduing. Jarid says it felt like a bump or punch to the head which he thought was his dive buddy, Jonathan Greenway, bumping into him in the white water foam. Then he saw the little cheeky reef shark(1.3m long) swimming away from him and realised it was the shark that had bumped him!
Only after Jonathan had swum up to check him out did they realise that Jarid was bleeding from the scalp and they decided to swim back to shore (100m) to see if Jarid needed some medical attention! Jarid is a pretty large unit of a man and does not scare easily so once they hit the beach it was laughs all round.
On closer inspection Jonathan noticed something white sticking out of Jarids head…low and behold there was a broken off shark tooth stuck in Jarrids head! No worries says Jarrid and films himself pulling the tooth out his skull at home!!!
I am just happy he is safe and escaped with a minor injury. The Dr cleaned it up and said no stitches plus apply surgical spirits. Lucky DUDE!
Oh…he let the shark take the Yellow belly for dinner…Hahahaha.
More at this link…
As always Dive Safe and Straight Spears from the Bear.
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