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Arone Mangoele Subsistance Fisherman and deck hand Bilene Mozambique charity drive

Arone Mangoele with a bus Seapike

Arone Mangoele Subsistance Fisherman and deck hand Bilene Mozambique charity drive

Arone started fishing and spearfishing from age 13.

He had been working around Highlander fishing lodge for a while then he got his own boat and started subsistence fishing in the area to support his family .

So for last 2 years he been catching fish for market and providing Highlander fishing lodge with fresh fish.

He has a wife and 2 children, two daughters, the first is 1year and 8months old and the other one is 1month and 15 days old whom he is the sole provider for! Through lodge deck hand work and subsistence fishing he was managing to support his young family well but due to being bed ridden for the last 2months with his legs being paralyzed from what we suspect could have been stroke related he can no longer provide for his family!

The lodge organised transport to Maputo to get him into hospital and get scans done and Specialist support but was turned away due to COVID restrictions.

He has always been assisting Spearos that visit the area with trips and showing them the spots .

Apparently one of the most helpful guys around that area for visitors and locals alike!

Christo Muller from KZN based SPEARO group has offered to do a Mercy charity run up to Bilene in Moz on the 28th of October taking with Nappies and Baby formula donated from a local Spar retailer here in KZN. He has also run a raffle locally and managed to generate about R5k in cash to take up with him to buy urgent food etc that the Family needs and to deliver the donated goods. He will also asses when arriving there if he can help get Arone to a specialist for the medical attention he needs.

Apparently Arone has been moving around on crutches but obliviously has a lot of muscle atrophy and needs rehabilitation to get his legs working again.

Looking for any food and nappies size 3 and formula Nan 1 for his kiddies…Any other food or cash donations are welcome to say the least!

Please if you can spare anything get hold of Christo on +27 61 455 6380 before the 27th of October!

Spearos always help other Spearos out! Let’s get Arone back on his feet and providing for his family!

As always Dive Safe and Straight Spears from the Bear…

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