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Bear KZN sea report NE wind for 3 days

Bear KZN sea report NE wind for 3 days

Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers.

Online YouTube report available here…

Yoh that Swell and rain did a number on the viz up and down the coast and now we have east blowing at 15knts which is set to continue till Monday… Meh!

However vis was reported off the Bluff today and with the reverse current still running at half a knot off the Aliwal shoal there should be decent viz there as well.

There’s still a quarter knot reverse off Durban however this NE wind will turn it around. What’s good is temps are still 25degc up and down the coast with 26.3 degC off the Aliwal shoal.

There are fish coming out off the skis and boats with Dorado making up the bulk of the catch folowed by Couta and snoek.

Saturday we have high tides at 06h18 and 18h22 with a low tide at 12h20. So tides are lined up for early and late bells however early bells will definitely be better than late arvo tomorrow for a dive!

Guys were getting lekker waves in town this morning albeit on the smaller side at 3ft! Cave rock on the Bluff was firing okay this morning but the NE wind has smooshed it now. Saturday morning should be good for a wave as swell direction still shows from the SE at 1.9m.

Silver lining is there’s no hectic rain forecast for a bit and then weather settles down nicely before next weekend!

As always dive safe and straight spears from the Bear.

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Bear KZN sea report Rivers out and Swell Cyclone Dikeledi

Bear KZN sea report Rivers out and Swell Cyclone Dikeledi

Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers.

Online YouTube report available here…

So yes we had some Januworry rain whole of Sunday and Monday however some lad’s did get fish before the rain and swell.

Well done Matt on a decent Catface rockcod. Aweh. Well done Leon Peach getting a brace of Queen mackies and Scelo Cele getting 5 donkey Queen mackies down by Umzumbe on the south coast! Aweh.

Guy’s on the boats and ski’s fishing got fish as well with Couta Snoek Dorado and Yellowfin tuna making up the bulk of the catch over the weekend.

We have a moderate NE blowing today with swell at 2m and 3m on the outside. Tomorrow we have a busting SW wind picking up the swell to around 4m! This combined with the rivers coming out brown and spring tides is going to really muck up the inshore for a while… Meh!

Tides tomorrow are high at 5am and 5pm and low tide at just before 11am. Springs atm with a full moon today.

Sea temps still up around 25/26 degC however this might change as the current has switched NS today.

Yeah the follow on effects of Cyclone Dikeledi up by Moz and Madagascar is not being friendly to us KZN peeps! Double Meh!

As always dive safe and straight spears from the Bear

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Bear KZN sea report GT Couta Snoek

Bear KZN sea report GT Couta Snoek

Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers.

Online YouTube report available here..

So yes the rain came down but not by the amount predicted however quite a few rivers are out and brown water has pushed out to sea a bit but not Brown to the horizon as was expected!

Even with the deluge some chaps did manage to get some feeshies! Well done Zander and Bruce getting some double trouble with two Bus GT’s! Aweh!
Master Louis Schourie managed a decent 5kg stumpie Local! Aweh! Jerone Govender got a lovely 6kg Yellow belly rockcod! Aweh!

On the Mackie front it all seems to be happening on the north coast with Master Sean Burns getting a Croc Couta past the sharks on a boat dive! Aweh! Tyrone Byrne has got the new year fishing off to a great start with a decent Couta and a PB Snoek fishing off his ski! Aweh!

Dorado pictures I’ve left out because there’s plenty around and we have all seen plenty pics… hahahaha. But ja nee the Dorries have been wild!

Weather for the weekend is bad and good! Saturday we have a total glass off till lunchtime light when a light SE wind blows with 1.2m swell all day! This folowed by today’s SW wind will definitely make Saturday a banger day to be out on the sea!

The bad… Sunday from early bells we have a proper front onnit with SW wind blowing at speed from 3am… Meh! Swell jacks up as well and stays that way for most of next week.

Tides tomorrow are low at 8am and high tide at 2pm. So probably better to get viz report then go dive towards the high tide in the afternoon.

As always dive safe and straight spears from the Bear.

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Bear KZN sea report Astounding Conditions Wahoo Couta

Bear KZN sea report Astounding Conditions Wahoo Couta

Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers.

Online YouTube report available here…

Well the new year definitely brought the pearler conditions with it! Viz up and down the coast with nothing under 25degc water and current! Flat sea and just post spring tide flow fish were definitely gonna come out and I have a long list of people who got in on the action (the people who didn’t get bang babalaas new years).

We have with snoek myself with a donkey 9kg south, Leon Grobbelaar with his 1st two for the year, Leon Peach with his 1st for 2025 and Rob Welman with a 6kg Bluff. Aweh!

Dane Chittock went out to no.1 reef with Jeremiah Peake Polosub distributor and they got quality gamefish Couta Dorado Tropical tail and Blacktip Kingfish. Aweh ! Top diving… Keaton also went out on boat and got a Cape Yellowtail and a Tropical tail… Aweh!

We have Master Juggs Holtzman with a Wahoo and Master Richardt Botes with a Wahoo….no guesses where shot! Aweh

Master Louis Schourie managed to get the last two fish of 2024 with a get out in the dark dive and a decent Pompano and Grunter. Aweh!

Well I hope the NE blowing through the night isn’t going to scrub it up too much but from what I see south coast gonna be the best for a look tomorrow if you don’t mind an east bump. SW comes through Saturday night and hopefully dies early morning allowing Sunday to be funday!

Showing less swell Sunday and definitely divable on the pushing tide in the Arvo.

High tides tomorrow are 06h30 and 18h37 with low at 12h38. Sea temp off durbs 27degc on the bouy and 26.9degc on the bouy of Umkomaas.

Sea was perfect today but just about everyone saying no fish! Well you can’t have your cake and eat it… hahaha.

As always dive safe and straight spears from the Bear

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Bear KZN sea report MACKIE’S and warm water

Bear KZN sea report MACKIE’S and warm water

Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers.

Online YouTube report available here…

So yes the sea did come right over the weekend and the mackerel were around even a Marlin off the beachfront!

Well done Rudi Dutoit with a fat Snoek at Park Rynie! Aweh. As usual Bruce is on the fish pictured here with a decent Couta underwater. Aweh! Tyrone Byrne has been onnit fishing from his ski with decent summer gamefish catches including a Saily earlier in the month a this lekker GT on the weekend! Aweh!

Declan managed a decent Couta on a shoredive south coast. Aweh! Keaton managed to get in on the north coast yesterday before the banger NE pulled in and bagged a decent stringer of Snoek! Aweh!

Just on a side note please be careful around the lagoons and sea ATM the ecoli level’s are high and loads of peeps including the Bear getting the jippo guts.

Sea temps are hot hot hot at around 26 deg C south and north coast out deeper so the SW wind blowing today and tonight will Swing that inshore with the viz! The SW blows a little into the morning then things flatten out with just a light E wind in the Arvo.

We have spring tides ATM with New Moon today with high tide tomorrow at 04h40 and 16h47. Low is at 10h40.

Thursday is looking even better with light variable wind and swell at 1.4m down from the 1.8m swell predicted for tomorrow.

Anyways peeps here’s to all the best for 2025 and may you have full stringers and the wind at your back! Aweh!

As always dive safe and straight spears from the Bear.

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Bear KZN sea report Dorado Cape Yellowtail Queen mackerel Couta

Bear KZN sea report Dorado Cape Yellowtail Queen mackerel Couta

Online YouTube report available here…

So yes there was diving this week however strong current around and a bit of swell this morning combined with the NE wind today might muck it up but from what I’m hearing there’s viz from the Bluff and south thereof.

Plenty of Dorado around along with Shoals of Queen mackerel cruising the shallows. Yes there are Couta around but still singles in the sub 20kg range with the odd shoal sighted North Coast.

Well done Bruce having a good week again with some bus Dorado and a decent Cape Yellowtail! Aweh. Master Louis Schourie managed to get a Couta on a dive south coast! Aweh! There’s plenty Queen mackerel cruising around especially on the North Coast. Well done Dieter with a lekker stringer off the north coast this week. Aweh laatie!

We have some pretty good weather this weekend with a light NE wind blowing tomorrow and dropping off towards arvo along with the swell from 1.8m in the morning to 1.5m swell in afternoon.

The 1.5m swell continues into Sunday with a light SW wind blowing in the morning and dropping off into midday and the afternoon.

Low tide tomorrow is 13h27 and high is at 07h20 so morning’s should be good.
Just beware of the strong current atm if you are shorediving!

Sea temps are up 26 plus on the Shoal yesterday and 25.3 deg C off Durban today.

So yes get out there and get wet this weekend it should be Aweh for a swim!

As always dive safe and straight spears from the Bear.

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Bear KZN sea report Aweh weather till SUNDAY

Bear KZN sea report Aweh weather till SUNDAY

Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers.

Online YouTube report available here…

So yes the weekend wasn’t great as expected and the NE wind cained it on Sunday with a proper SW wind blow directly thereafter!

However the sea has settled nicely today and we have a Dr SW wind blowing perfectly at 15knt now so things are looking up! It’s brought the sea temps back up again from 23 to 24/24.5 deg C with a SN current now onnit from Hibberdene to Zinkwazi.

Some lad’s did manage to get fish though! Well done Master Richardt finding the snoek as usual up north! Aweh! Well done Jonesy and Mr Rowan getting some Dorado on Rod yesterday at Park Rynie. Aweh! And well done lightie Adrian with a boss 7.8kg Grunter local yesterday! Aweh!

We have some great weather (besides rain all day Thursday) from tomorrow (Wednesday) right through to Sunday arvo so get your groove on and get wet this week!

As regards to viz the clean water should be coming in at anytime now with the sea temps picking up showing that Mozambique ink out deep is moving in! There was a definite blue line from Umhlanga to Westbrook this morning so ja let’s see what high tide at 05h30 tomorrow brings in.

We have a low tide at 11h30 tomorrow and a second high tide at 17h30 coming out of Springs from the weekend. A very light onshore wind in the morning switching around to a light southerly in the afternoon with a 1.7m swell running at 11 second’s from the south.

Peeps that spin from the rocks start targeting Queen mackerel. Us divers have been shooting them in the midbreak and around the backline surf especially between 1st light and 30minutes after sunrise.

As always dive safe and straight spears from the Bear.

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Bear KZN sea report Wahoo Sailfish Dorado Yellowfin tuna

Bear KZN sea report Wahoo Sailfish Dorado Yellowfin tuna

Online YouTube report available here…

Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers.

Yeah so the week was pretty good with viz and decent conditions around with a complete glass off on Wednesday with minimal swell. However a strong reverse current yesterday and some size swell put paid to inshore conditions today. Meh!

There are plenty Dorado around with the odd Sailfish here and there. Most of the action seemed to be local this week off Durban and the bluff. Dieter managed to shoot some Dorado around the ship anchorage and also got some decent bottom fish fishing as well including two decent Captain fine rockod at 12.5kg and 9kg! Aweh!

Master Richardt went for a boat dive off Durban and Bluff yesterday with decent viz managed to get a Wahoo and a Couta! Aweh! Robin Seiler got a quick morning before work dive at Westbrook on Wednesday on got a decent snoek, aweh!

Otherwise there are big Yellowfin tuna cruising around and I’ve included a pic of one caught up by Ballito. Fisherman unknown but well done lad…proper gas bottle! Aweh!

As for conditions this weekend we have a SW wind blowing tonight into the morning and it dies down at midmorning with no wind predicted in the Arvo. Unfortunately it does bring rather large swell through in the morning at 3.3m form the south at 12 seconds which drops off to 2.2m in the afternoon.

Sunday morning we wake up to a fresh NE wind which howls through the day picking up the swell to 3.3m 9 seconds from the East in the afternoon.

So Saturday deffos the day if you planning on getting wet this weekend. Just make sure it’s from a boat to get out to the cleaner water and through the big surf.

As always dive safe and straight spears from the Bear.

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Bear KZN sea report SW Dr wind blowing

Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers and

Online YouTube report available here…

So yes Saturday was good diving up and down the coast with viz and warm blue sea. Then the NE blew from early on Sunday and brought with it thermocline and cold snotty water on the floor out deep.

But today we have had a perfect SW Dr wind blowing and it looks set to be an awesome day tomorrow along the KZN coast with sea temps around 24/25 degC up and down the coast.

And yes there’s viz especially down south coast and a solid 4 to 5m on the north coast out deeper. Guy’s were nailing the Dorado out off Durban this morning and one lad even got a Saily around 30kg!

Snoek are filing lower north coast if you can find viz in between the muck. I see it’s now reverse current off Umhlanga rocks so if it pushes a bit maybe that warm Moz water will push in and it will be game on!

We have low tide at 06h00 and high tide at 12h30 tomorrow with no wind in the morning and a light SW wind in the afternoon with a 1.7m swell running at 13 seconds from the south! Pearler conditions! Aweh….

As Always Dive Safe and Straight Spears from the Bear

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Bear KZN sea report Cracker Yellowtail Couta Snoek

Bear KZN sea report Cracker Yellowtail Couta Snoek

Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers and silverfish .

Online YouTube report available here…

So yes we have had a cracker week and it looks like it’s going to be a cracker weekend!

Speaking of cracker well done Garyd on a lekker Cracker on a boat dive this week Aweh! Well done the Bear got some good Snoek, decent Indian mirror fish and a 12kg cape Yellowtail. Aweh!

Well done Master Richardt Botes with a decent Couta north. Aweh! Well done Master Louis Schourie with a Couta and jutjaw Kingfsh and Troy Eloff with a seapike and Blacktip Kingfish north. Aweh!

Well done Master Juggs Holtzman with some fat Snoek south. Aweh! Well done Dieter with a decent snoek stringer south. Aweh! Well done Dwaine diving with Dieter shooting his 1st fish ever Snoek and bottom fish nogal! Aweh! Well done Ashley with a decent Indian mirror south. Aweh!

So as you can see there are fish coming out! And we have awesome weather tomorrow morning no wind with a light NE wind in the afternoon. High tide at 07h30 and a low at 13h45. Sunday the NE has continued through the night and starts getting onnnit at midmorning.

Swell only 1.1m tomorrow morning picking up towards afternoon and building to 1.8m Sunday morning. Sea temps are 24 to 25 degC with a light reverse current north and a light NS current on the south.

There’s good viz north coast and south coast so take your pick!

As Always Dive Safe and Straight Spears from the Bear

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Bear KZN sea report GAMEFISH filing

Bear KZN sea report GAMEFISH filing

Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers and .

Online YouTube report available here…
Hell yeah what ballistic conditions we have been having from Sunday to today and lovely warm clean water to boot! Calm flat seas with Couta, Dorado, Snoek, Sailfish and Yellowfin tuna cruising up and down the coast!

Martin Dejager had a ballistic day out to sea at Park Rynie fishing. Dorado, Skipjack tuna, GT and a Couta on the padel is absolutely astounding! Aweh well done Martin!

Today has been no different with Mackie’s cruising up and down middle to upper south coast. I’m pretty sure that Dorado are around in numbers as well. We have a light East blowing now with a light sneaky SW wind blowing tonight to early bells in the morning.

Swell is 1.2m and current is light NS ATM at 24degC. Swell tomorrow morning is 1.3m at 10 second’s from the SE with a light NE in the afternoon. High tides tomorrow are at 05h15 and 17h20 with low tide at 11h17 with a bit of movement because we are just off spring tides.

So any chance you can pull a sickie get it done because it’s gonna be ballistic till Sunday!

As Always Dive Safe and Straight Spears from the Bear.

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Bear KZN sea report MACKIE’S abound

Bear KZN sea report MACKIE’S abound

Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers and silverfish .

Online YouTube report available here…

Yeah so the SW has been onnit for the last three days and is blowing 25knts as I write this (Friday). There was some rain but not a complete drenching so just the normal inshore damage caused by wind and following swell.

North Coast looks a little brown inshore from Umhlanga to Salties however there may be viz further north. South will settle quicker after the SW and should be the goto for Saturday.

Sea temps still up and are around the 23/24 degC mark up and down the coast. Current anywhere from half to one knt reverse keeping that warm water in to the floor.

Weather for Saturday and Sunday is perfect with no wind early morning and light NE midmorning to lunch time. Absolutely perfect Mackie weather and combined with new Moon they will be feeding during the day.

Speaking of Mackie’s well done Master Sean Burns with a lekker stringer of Mackie’s on the north coast midweek! Aweh!

Tide’s for tomorrow are low at 9am and high tide at 3pm and with the swell dropping off from 2.2m to 1.6m in the afternoon this should be better than the morning. Sunday morning it’s 1.3m only so early bells and arvo would be the goto times for a hunt.

Couta, Snoek, Garrick (mostly south coast) , Brusher, Grunter, Dorado, Wahoo, Yellowfin tuna and Daga salmon are around so take your pick!

As Always Dive Safe and Straight Spears from the Bear

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Bear KZN sea report Big Daga salmon Snoek Couta

Bear KZN sea report Big Daga salmon Snoek Couta

Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers and silverfish .

Online YouTube report available here…

So yes it was divable on the weekend and like I said with the warm water and good weather the fish came out! The NE wind put paid to flat surf and good viz though bringing washing machine and a NS current dropping sea temps a bit.

24.5 degC off Durban today down from 25.4 and 23.4 off Umkomaas from 24.4 on the weekend. Temps around 23degc on average today with a NS current up and down the coast.

Swell was 2.2m but has dropped off nicely to 1.7m now and predicted 1.6m Wednesday morning. However we have a fresh SW wind blowing from 9am Wednesday with rain and it doesn’t stop blowing for 3 day’s! Here’s hoping it doesn’t muck it up too much for the weekend!

Tide’s are heading into Springs again on the weekend with a New Moon. 07h17 is low tomorrow with a high tide at 13h30.

Yours truly went for a swim Sunday and managed to get some lekker fat Snoek! Aweh the Bear! JP launched durbs on the weekend and got a decent Green job fish and some Amber’s. Aweh! Master Richardt got a decent 15kg Garrick on a shoredive. Aweh! He got a Couta on another Dive off the boat with Master Chris who got a decent Rock salmon. Aweh lads!

Then Master Juggs went diving and showed us how it’s done with a slab Daga salmon of 29kg and a 14kg GT shoredive local! Aweh uncle!

So ja hopefully things turn out nicely for the weekend because there’s heaps of fish around (lad’s on the skis getting yft, snoek, couta and Dorado) and the weather is ballistic Saturday and Sunday!

As Always Dive Safe and Straight Spears from the Bear.

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Bear KZN sea report Big Dorado in the MIDBREAK

Bear KZN sea report Big Dorado in the MIDBREAK

Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers and .

Online YouTube report available here…

Jeeze man have we been having awesome weather! Flat calm morning’s and warm blue sea! South coast is looking Ballistic ATM however north coast were the Couta are is very meh and patchy ATM.

Sea is definitely warm as we can see by Connie’s bus spade fish… Aweh! And big Dorado swimming inside the backline! Aweh Ashley 9.16kg upper south coast! Queen mackerel love the warm and Graham managed to get one out of a shoal upper south coast. Aweh!

It’s currently 24.78 degc out on the Aliwal shoal and 23degc inshore up and down the coast so those summer gamefish are gonna be around in numbers this weekend.

Unfortunately we have a moderate SW wind blowing Saturday morning through to the afternoon with 1.7m swell running up from today’s 1.3m. We have Neaps ATM with a high tide at 09h30 and a low tide at 16h00.

However Sunday is gonna be funday out on the water with a 1.5m swell running and a calm morning leading into a light NE wind in the afternoon! Game on!

As Always Dive Safe and Straight Spears from the Bear.

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Bear KZN sea report Bus WAHOO

Bear KZN sea report Bus WAHOO

Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers and .

Online YouTube report available here…

So yes the water has warmed up to proper summer temperatures! 24 to 25 degC off Umkomaas and Durban bouys.
Summer fish are coming out Dorado, Wahoo, Couta, Snoek and Yellowfin tuna!

However viz has been scarce to say the least! Guy’s dived the Shoal on the weekend and were back on the beach by 8am… only 8m viz and shakanado problems of note!

Salties area was cleaning up yesterday but the SW last night did absolutely zero to help it out! Meh!

We have a NE wind blowing tomorrow and maybe that pushing against the inshore reverse current will bring that warm 25degc Moz water inshore.

Tide’s are heading towards neaps on the weekend and low is at 12h10 and high is at 06h10 and 18h12 tomorrow.
With the NE blowing tomorrow the fish should be on the feed in the morning so go get your fish on!

There is viz though… just put petrol and cruise up to Zululand and get yourself a bus Wahoo! Well done JP on a very long Wahoo on the weekend! Aweh!

As Always Dive Safe and Straight Spears from the Bear

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Bear KZN sea report Couta Dorado Wahoo Yellowfin tuna

Bear KZN sea report Couta Dorado Wahoo Yellowfin tuna

Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers and .

Online YouTube report available here…

So conditions did not really improve after the rain and SW wind and we have a NE wind onnit today (Friday) as well and it blows into Saturday as well…MEH!

However there will be a Dr SW wind blowing Saturday evening into Sunday which should improve the sea hopefully!

Saturday through to Sunday morning the surf is on the larger size at 2m from the SE at 10 second’s but drops off to 1.5m Sunday Arvo.

We have full moon tonight and spring tides. Low is at 09h39 and high is at 15h45 tomorrow. With the NE blowing tomorrow morning plus spring low it ain’t gonna be pretty!

On the fish front we have Master Louis Schourie with a tank Pompano of just over 10kg local on the spear! Aweh! Then we have Kyle and Kelvin klapping it on rod and reel on the south coast with Wahoo, Dorado and Yellowfin tuna! Aweh! Finally well done Aldeen on a decent early season Couta off the ski on the north coast. Aweh!

So ja nee I don’t think there will be much diving this weekend on the inshore… maybe out deeper on a boat if you are into a bumpy ride!

As Always Dive Safe and Straight Spears from the Bear.

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Bear KZN sea report SUMMER fish are here!

Bear KZN sea report SUMMER fish are here!

Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers and silverfish .

Online YouTube report available here…

So yes and ja! Summer fish are here! Sailfish, Dorado (Mahi Mahi), Couta and Snoek are local off Durban ATM with the warm cleaner water that’s pushed in!

Well done Bruce on a lovely brace of Dorado (and one Couta) on a boat dive off the Bluff on Sunday! Aweh! Well done Mike Kemp on a 34kg Sailfish on rod and reel off Durban yesterday! Aweh!

The NE wind is blowing today however it doesn’t have a lot of steam so arvo might be good still local off the bluff and Durban. Current was a light SN at 11AM off the Bluff and water was around 22 to 23 degC.

Further south temps drop by Hibberdene and south thereof to 20 degC due to a NS current booking it down there. Water nice and warm at 23.5 degC on the Aliwal shoal with a half knt NS current.

North Coast also warm just a bit green ATM with a light SN current. Surf is average today at around 1.5m from the SE at 10 second’s.

Wednesday we have a buster Dr SW wind coming through early bells and losing steam in the evening however it does pick the swell up to 2.5m at 8 second’s from the South.

Low tide is at 07h27 and high tide is at 13h54 tomorrow and full moon is Friday bringing in the spring tides.

Let the Snoek fever begin!
Saw two on a local dive this morning and my dive buddy got two and missed one!

As Always Dive Safe and Straight Spears from the Bear.

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Bear KZN sea report Inshore MILLED

Bear KZN sea report Inshore MILLED

Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers and .

Online YouTube report available here…

Yeah so we were palgued by big surf this week and mucked up river sediment inshore after the rains. However South coast had way less rain than North Coast so it should be coming right in the near future!

As I write this (Friday afternoon) we have a beasterly easterly blowing at 20knts but the swell has subsided considerably to 2m at 10 second’s from the south! With the low tide now and the washing machine NE wind mooshing the surf it is churning up the inshore quite a bit. Meh!

Tomorrow the NE wind has died off and switched to a 15knt NNE wind in the morning coming around to a Dr SW wind of 20knts in the afternoon! Hopefully this will set things towards divable and fish able water on Sunday.

Sunday we have a light S wind blowing in the morning picking up speed mid afternoon and swell of 1.8m at 7 seconds from the SE. Much better conditions for us to get some fish!

We have neap tides atm with a high tide at 09h10 tomorrow and a low tide at 15h50 with a tidal difference of 0.7m.

Fish around ATM are Brusher, Stumpies, Garrick, Snoek and Couta (north coast).
Those green and gold Cape Yellowtail should be around in numbers with the thermocline after the NE wind today and of course Daga salmon on the usual marks out deep.

As Always Dive Safe and Straight Spears from the Bear.

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Bear KZN sea report BUS WAHOO

Bear KZN sea report BUS WAHOO

Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers and .

Online YouTube report available here…

So yeah the sea did come right after the NE with Saturday Arvo and Sunday whole day being ballistic out to sea! Sea temps hit 24 degrees C with a NS current in most places… perfect for big pelagics!

Then the rain came down with a big storm Sunday night and Monday Arvo right through to this morning (Tuesday). Swell is up ATM at 2.2m and is set to jack bigtime this evening with a very fresh SW wind blowing through the night.

Wednesday starts with a 4m swell which dips off in the afternoon to 2.8m at 10 second’s from the south. So wax those stix and go do some trix tomorrow as surf will be up bigtime in town especially the north beaches.

As I predicted the warmer water brought the Mackie’s in with some guys getting a good haul of Snoek out deeper off Umgeni and Garryd getting a decent couta diving off his ski at Umdloti…Aweh!

Aliwal shoal was on on Saturday with warm clean water and a decent NS current pushing. Well done Bruce on a slab saily weighing in at 40kg… Aweh! Well done Master Juggs on a bus Wahoo at around 25kg…Aweh! Master Richardt wasn’t to be left out with a 20kg GT inside the Shoal and a decent brace of Brusher on Sunday in local waters… Aweh!

With the rivers pushing and the warm water close in the Mackie’s should be around in decent numbers sooner rather than later!

Here’s hoping we get viz between the river water because it’s gonna be on like a scone!

As Always Dive Safe and Straight Spears from the Bear

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Bear KZN sea report Warm divable water!

Bear KZN sea report Warm divable water!

Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers and silverfish .

Online YouTube report available here…

So yes the swell did drop off and warm clean water pushed in off the south coast yesterday (Thursday). The NE wind started early this morning but it looks like it will back off early too. Currently 9knts on the shoal while I write this!

Salties was looking nice and blue today so maybe there’s hope for the north coast peeps to get wet over the weekend and get some early season Mackie’s!

Speaking of Mackie’s the sea temps hovered around 23.5 deg C yesterday and this morning. Temps have dropped a degree or so with the NE wind and prevalent NS current today.

Spring tides ATM with a low at 09h48 and a high at 15h58 tomorrow. A light NE wind blows during the day and swell is around 1.9m at 7 seconds from the NE.

Sunday we have a DR SW wind blowing in the morning at 10knts switching to a S wind around lunchtime at 9knts. Swell start’s at 2m from the NE at 8 second’s and drops to 1.7m later in the day.

So I would say later dive after the low towards high tomorrow and early bells dive on Sunday.

Garrick return run is in full swing down south coast and snoek are making an appearance on the north coast along with the odd single Couta. Brusher are thick from lower north coast to lower south coast as well. Big Stumpies are ALSO around ATM so make sure to target these fine eating fish!

As Always Dive Safe and Straight Spears from the Bear