Bear KZN sea report Sardine run 06-08-2024
Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers.
Online YouTube report here…
The weekend was not as good as looked online in the predictions but divable and fishable water was around with Wahoo, Snoek (Durban) , Garrick, Geelbek, Daga salmon and big Natal Stumpnose coming out.
Garrick on the north and Wahoo off Umkomaas area. Geelbek and Daga salmon are heavy on the bite at night on all the usual marks offshore.
Weather for the week doesn’t look too bad just some swell tomorrow with a moderate NE wind in the afternoon. Swell is 2m from the south at 14seconds.
If you are into surfing there’s epic rights today on all the open coast spots and tomorrow should be ditto on that in the morning.
Current in the main is NS and sea temp is around 22 degC.
Inshore reefs are fullup with Bronze bream in really large shoals with Rock salmon, Rockcod and Lemon fish in abundance.
Time to get the gear ready for weekend Saturday looking really good!
As Always Dive Safe and Straight Spears from the Bear.
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