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Bear KZN sea report Dead whale on the beach! 14-08-2024

Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear KZN sea report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers.

Online YouTube report available here…

Oh boy but there has been some ground swell…large swell…and very little divable water around since last week. Some guys did get in and there are Geelbek, Daga salmon, Snoek and Garrick around.

Forcast for the next two days is banging swell from the south at 15 second’s. So go wax those stix and do some trix. Surfing will be on tomorrow morning (Thursday).

We have Natal champs on Saturday 17th and the last day to enter is tomorrow. Master Alistair Jones say’s they will make a call conditions wise tomorrow evening if it’s a go or to be postponed.

Sad news is that a Dead Humpback whale has washed up on Peace Cottage beach on the North Coast today. From the looks of things maybe natural cause of death. Sharksboard has banned bathing at Umhlanga and Umdloti because whale carcasses bring loads of hungry sharks!

Well done Noah and Heath and two class Daga salmon shot of Durban recently. Aweh Aweh Aweh! 39.8kg and 45kg respectively. Busses!

Noah also managed to bag a PB Spotted Grunter same day at 6.9kg. JP and Jerone hit a boat dive off Durban weekend and managed a Snoek and a Geelbek. Aweh!

Next divable looking day is most likely Sunday on the weekend but let’s see if this swell comes as big as predicted.

As Always Dive Safe and Straight Spears from the Bear.

#durban #spearfishing #masterwatermen #sardinerun2024 #kwazulunatal #fishing #roballen #southafrica #shad #mulloway #humpbackwhale

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