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Bear KZN sea report Sea not BROWN!

Bear KZN sea report Sea not BROWN!

Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers.

Online YouTube report available here…

Well the wind blasted and the rain came down with snow all over the Drakensberg mountains over the long weekend. Damage to North Coast conditions was heavy but south coast from Scottburgh down is still good to go!

Rocky bay area yesterday was clean clean but some hectic surf pushing right to the beach. Two brave souls Tim and Louis decided to swim and after a while managed to get out into some crystal clear water getting some Rockcod and smaller bottom fish. Well done lads Aweh!

At the Border open on the weekend it was decided to call off the compo on Saturday due to large seas and min viz. This decision was passed around the various campsites by word of mouth due to there being no cell phone reception.

Melvin Pillay apparently did not receive this news and bright and early on Sunday morning went for his shoredive to compete in the compo and bagged a lovely stringer of fish! Aweh Melvin showing the lad’s on the boat’s how it’s done Durban styles!

Bruce and Pete decided to skip and run further north for a boat dive and Bruce managed to bag a lovely Wahoo! Aweh nicely done lads!

At the moment we have neap tides with a low 04h20 and a high tide at 12h20 tomorrow (Thursday). Predicted NE wind to pick up tomorrow mid morning and swell at 1.7m 9 seconds from the SE. Should be smaller than that though but will build during the day tomorrow.

Sea temps hovering around 19 to 20 degree’s C and a bit warmer at 21 to 22 degC middle south coast with light NS current in the main.

So yeah dive on for tomorrow morning heading South!

As Always Dive Safe and Straight Spears from the Bear.

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