Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers and silverfishlodge.co.za
Online YouTube report available here…
So yes Saturday was good diving up and down the coast with viz and warm blue sea. Then the NE blew from early on Sunday and brought with it thermocline and cold snotty water on the floor out deep.
But today we have had a perfect SW Dr wind blowing and it looks set to be an awesome day tomorrow along the KZN coast with sea temps around 24/25 degC up and down the coast.
And yes there’s viz especially down south coast and a solid 4 to 5m on the north coast out deeper. Guy’s were nailing the Dorado out off Durban this morning and one lad even got a Saily around 30kg!
Snoek are filing lower north coast if you can find viz in between the muck. I see it’s now reverse current off Umhlanga rocks so if it pushes a bit maybe that warm Moz water will push in and it will be game on!
We have low tide at 06h00 and high tide at 12h30 tomorrow with no wind in the morning and a light SW wind in the afternoon with a 1.7m swell running at 13 seconds from the south! Pearler conditions! Aweh….
As Always Dive Safe and Straight Spears from the Bear