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Bear KZN sea report weekend weather Boss

Bear KZN sea report weekend weather Boss

Hi peeps and welcome to another Bear report brought to you by Mydo bait swimmers.

Online YouTube report available here…

So yes some fish did come out over the weekend and I have pic’s of Master Richardt Botes with a lekker Cape Yellowtail and Tropical tail Aweh…and Master Louis Schourie with a Daga salmon off the Bluff weekend Aweh!

Guy’s paddling at Westbrook getting Snoek, Yellowfin tuna and Bonito. Ones and two’s but there’s fish coming out even in the brown viz! Dorado are wild all the way down to Port Edward with the sea temps sitting between 25 and 26degc.

Weather was looking boss the whole week from last week’s forecast and yes we had SW Dr wind blowing yesterday which is a 15knt SE blowing now. However we have NE wind blowing tomorrow albeit light to moderate and a bit stronger on Thursday.

Damn and the sea has just started to come right again! Silver lining is we have really great weather coming up this weekend after a day of light southerly wind and calm surf so weekend should be good to go!

Current wise the reverse is booking it off Umkomaas at 1.6knt and light reverse current off the north coast. This should Swing that cleaner water our way inshore.

We do have more rain tonight but it’s only for a couple of hours. We don’t need any more precipitation! Meh!

North Coast is shot atm brown and bumpy however south coast is shaping up all that remains to be seen is if the NE wind the next two day’s doesn’t shotgun the inshore again!

As always dive safe and straight spears from the Bear.

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