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Bus Couta coldest week. Bear Report 23-07-2021

Bus Couta: Master Joe Mulder with a whopping 31.5kg Couta boat dive South

Well the week started out well with the sea settling and some slab Couta coming out with big shoals of Snoek and Garrick in the shallows. The winter fish are starting to move North up the coast in numbers and the Daga salmon, Geelbek and Cape tail are here in numbers. Unfortunately a serious winter cold front has pulled in and has frothed the sea properly with some fresh SW wind and large swell.

In the fish pic’s this week we have Andrew and Grant with Snoek shore dive North, Duan, Hennie and Rudi with Couta boatdive South, Ella and Max Bunge with Shad and a Tassel shore dive South, Master Carl Wernerm, Johan Boshoff and Master Joe Mulder with Couta boat dive South, Master Don Solomon with a Daga salmon boat dive South, Master Don Solomon with a lovely Cape yellowtail boat dive South, Master Joe Mulder with a whopping 31.5kg Couta boat dive South, Master Juggs Holzman with a 13.5kg Garrick shore dive Durban, Master Juggs Holzman with a decent Bek and Catface rockcod ski dive Durban, Matthew with Snoek and Garrick shore dive North, Ricky Nieuwenhuis PB 10.1kg Garrick shore dive Durban, Robin Seiler with a Daga salmon boat dive far North and Robin Seiler with a slab Eelskin rockod boat dive far North.

Saturday early bells a moderate WSW wind blows till midmorning swinging around to a light SE wind later in the afternoon with a 3.5m swell which drops off to 2.3m late in the day. Sunday morning a light NW offshore wind blows till midmorning switching around to a moderate NE wind in the afternoon with the swell running at 2.2m.

So it looks like Sunday morning is good for a dive “if” the swell prediction is correct. The online weather prediction sites have been a bit out on swell prediction the last two weeks!

Online report available here…

As always Dive Safe and Straight Spears from the Bear…

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Bear weekend Dive Report 05-03-2021

Master Richardt Botes with a brace of Snoek boatdive Durban

Bear weekend dive report 05-03-2021

Bear weekend dive report 05-03-2021: Hi peeps and welcome to the Bear weekend dive report brought to you by the and

Well it has not been a great start to the crayfish season with some larger surf around and bad viz up and down the coast. I still managed to scratch two bags up North (read…prawns…hahaha) but it was not easy pickings! I also managed to fluff a Couta (high shot) and lose one (barb did not open)! Oh the bleakness! Fish did come out though so let’s have a look see.

We have Garreth LeRoux with his 1st Threadfin Mirror fish on a boatdive off Durban, Keaton with a bomber snoek on a shoredive up North, Kevin with a Rock salmon on a shoredive up North today, Master Craig Harper and Ruan Potgieter with Wahoo on a boatdive down South (Ruans 1st Wahoo 21kg), Master Richardt Botes with a lovely brace of Snoek on a boatdive off Durban and Teegan Coulonval with a Couta boatdiving off Durban.

Video report

Let us see what the weekend weather god’s have in store for us!

For once we have a SW blowing today(Friday) so some viz and warmer water should come in somewhere along the coast line, either lower South or middle to lower North coast would be my guess. The SW drops off in the night switching to a light offshore tomorrow morning both North and South with a North Easterly in the afternoon being lighter in the North and puffing more in the South.

Sunday the NE dies off completely in the South switching to a light Southerly in the arvo. Durban and North there of the NE blows through the night then picks up in the arvo on Sunday.

The swell will be big in the South getting bigger on Sunday swinging to a proper southerly swell of 2m from 1.7 m on Saturday. Durban and North will have the same swing from the South but Durban smaller at 1.5m and North at 1.8m Saturday morning with Durban building towards Sunday at 1.7m and North getting smaller at 1.6m.


So Saturday looking better than Sunday morning unless you hitting a boatdive then Sunday morning looking great down South!

As always Dive Safe and Straight Spears from the Bear..,.

Site and SEO for the Master Watermen by The Sardine News.

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Bear weekend Dive Report 19-02-2021

The Master Watermen website and YouTube Channel love to feature stories like this. If you have a story, video or some pics, please consider sending it in to The Bear for consideration. He is on anytime! SEO by The Sardine News for the Master Watermen. Site and hosting by TLC for your Business. Dive Report.

Bear weekend Dive Report 19-02-2021

Jason Heyne getting to grips with his new broadcasting software, allowing us an almost 3D Bear weekend Dive Report 19-02-2021.

“Hi and welcome to the Bear’s weekend Dive Report brought to you by and Master
Well peeps it’s pretty much been a nothing doing week due to some inclement weather , larger swell
and viz being hard to find.
Some fish did come out though and we have Christo Muller with a Dorado on a boatdive off Durban
followed by Hennie boatdiving down South with a size Seapike and an exceptional Dageraad which
are like hens teeh to find in KZN waters, then last but not least we have Keaton from the “putty
team” slaying the Snoek as usual with a decent brace and a single fish both on shoredives up North.

Dive Report 19-02-2021
Dive Report 19-02-2021

As regards the weather this weekend it is looking Great for tomorrow morning (Saturday) with a
light onshore in the afternoon only, more NE wind south and just about zip wind up the North coast.
As for the swell for Saturday we have a large Northerly swell running at 2.2m Durban and 2.4m down
South. North coast seems to not get the swell according to the predictions and will only get a 1.4m
Northerly swell. Saturday the swell cranks South at 2.4m plus and 2.3m Durban to 17m up North
with a fresh to moderate South Westerly coming through early bells. Hopefully the Tropical storm up
North by Maputo in Moz does not affect us as much as the last one and dissipates by Thursday next
week far offshore as predicted because those Mackies are out there thick ATM with February being
prime time for them.
So it looks like Saturday morning is a go for a dive and Sunday is cooked out.
As always Dive Safe and Straight Spears from the Bear…”

The Master Watermen website and YouTube Channel love to feature stories like this. If you have a story, video or some pics, please consider sending it in to The Bear for consideration. He is on anytime!

SEO by The Sardine News for the Master Watermen. Site and hosting by TLC for your Business.